Hope, Community, and Infinite Potential (Even in the Darkness)

We’re moving into the darkest part of the year here in the Northern Hemisphere. How does this time feel for you?

What if it felt like a time to pause and look inward to uncover and explore the messages and stories that you need for the year ahead?

For those who look to the Celtic calendar, these weeks between Samhain (that’s the Irish for Halloween) and the Winter Solstice is like time out of time. It’s like a breath between the ending that comes with the final harvest at the end of October and the new year that begins when the days begin to lengthen again after the solstice.

In modern times, of course, it is hard to allow that kind of “time out,” especially with all the nonsense and chaos that we’ve been told should accompany the consumerist holidays. 

Over this weekend, however, I realized how many of us hunger for this kind of sacred, late autumn pause. 

Yesterday was a new moon. Every astrologer and spiritual teacher who speaks of the stars seemed to post something emphasizing the importance of this particular new moon in Scorpio. It is a moment of deep interiority and rebirth. (And don’t worry, even though the new moon was on November 15, you can still ride its tide for the next few days.) 

As so many offered insights into the particular power of this moon it was clear that there’s not only a desire to talk about these esoteric, “woo” ideas, but there’s also a deep need for such messages.

For many of us, this is not news. Right now, it feels like there’s a marked shift away from the fear conjured by dreadful headlines and “doom scrolling” as many people move toward self-discovery and spiritual awareness.

When we can use spiritual insight not to escape reality but to manage, heal, and expand it, then we’re doing the evolutionary work.  It’s what hope looks like. It's how we can heal and renew our society and our natural world.

Evolutionary Hope in Action

My eight week Stand In Your Sovereign Story program is wrapping up this week. 

As you might imagine, a course for creative entrepreneurs and transformation professionals brings together a group of like-souled storytellers. This particular group has a remarkable number of commonalities, especially when it comes to what they are called to do: gathering women together in spiritual, healing, and consciousness communities.

It would have been all too easy for the participants in this program to look around at one another and sigh, “There are so many people running women’s groups and talking about the moon! I’m too late to the party. I should look for another idea.”

That’s not what happened, however.

Instead, this group of Sovereign women who follow the cycles of the seasons and the moon, who consult oracle decks, and rely on their intuition rather than boilerplate business advice, saw something marvelous in one another:

Infinite potential

They recognized that what they had in common was a source of strength and proof. This desire to share spiritual practices and rituals is part of a greater movement toward creating supportive, soulful communities and rebuilding our battered world.

Rather than looking at the world of coaches, healers, and teachers and seeing competition, we’re invited to see companionship and confirmation. This work of the heart is real and valued and necessary. As more and more look for this kind of guidance and healing, more of us are called to do this work.

The group was bonded by a common goal: help people connect and become more healthy and whole. And then, as individuals, they looked what’s singular, unique, and “sovereign” about their own story, approach, and offer.

We are Sovereign souls.
And, we are part of a great, collective moment and movement.

This dual truth of Sovereignty is something we know in our core, but sometimes I think we need to be reminded.

This is a good time to recommit to this, and all kinds of sacred inner knowing. As one cycle of uncertainty ends and we pause before the next begins, it’s more important than ever to ground into the essential worth of this work of the soul. 

My Own Sovereign Work of the Soul

I’m feeling this time of introspective magic working on me, too. Stay tuned for some big, beautiful changes in the way I support your your quest for Sovereignty, creative alchemy, and storytelling as form of magic and medicine.

In the meantime, I would love help you navigate this dark in-between time and help you access you story and your creative magic. Book a Story Healing session.

Over the next few months, I will be talking less about storytelling as a means to grow and market your business and more about magic, creativity, and spiritual sovereignty.

The Stand In Your Sovereign Story, my signature program for creative entrepreneurs will return next spring. Get on the interest list to get the best price and other updates.